How to Circularise Functional Flexible Packaging

Tuesday 8 October 2024 12:15-14:45:00 • Barcelona, Spain • €349 + VAT

Flexible plastic packaging has been developed to address important pillars of a sustainable plastics economy such as reducing raw material usage and simultaneously preventing food waste through high performance solutions. However, this innovation concept requires the use of various functional components such as combinations of different plastics, barriers, adhesives, printing inks etc. In addition to main body plastics that can have an influence on the recyclability of the packaging once it enters waste status. This workshop addresses those challenges and shall develop a common understanding of the need for functional flexible packaging combined with technical opportunities to design such materials for high-quality recycling.

Workshop Moderator

Workshop Speakers

More speakers coming soon!

Why should you attend?

Packaging is designed for functionality! As recyclability is marking an additional functionality of flexible packaging, this workshop aims to rationalise design-for-recycling of complex plastic packaging formats.

Who should attend?

  • Raw material producers (PA, EVOH, PE, tie/compatibilizers, adhesives, inks)
  • Film/packaging/machine producers (multilayer films for various applications)
  • Brand owners (especially active in meat, fish/seafood, cheese, fresh produce, ready meal, pet food, retort and other processed perishable products)
  • Retailers 
  • Recyclers
  • Research Institutes & Associations

What will you learn?

Why are functional components used in flexible packaging?

Technical recyclability is not a matter of target material content, it is rather assuring a maximised compatibility of all needed constituents with the target material recycling stream.

Better understand:

  • Need for advanced packaging systems to ensure packaging & food waste reduction as key sustainability pillars
  • Actual technical problems in sorting & recycling of flexible packaging
  • Design for recycling can also be applied to multimaterial systems

Agenda coming soon!

If you are interested in speaking at this workshop, please contact Sabine Prack, Head of Production, email

Join us after the workshop between 18:00 - 19:30 for a pre-conference networking drinks reception.

Tickets are just €349 + VAT, and must be purchased in conjunction with a 2-day conference ticket but places are limited so we advise registering as soon as possible to avoid missing out!